
Hello, my name is Gina and I am enrolled in AP Biology for my senior year of high school! I am very excited about this course and all that I am going to learn as I am a lover of science. I intend to study veterinary medicine in the future and I am so grateful to have this opportunity to delve deeper into the world of Biology.

I will be the first to admit that when Mrs. Girard told us that we would be creating public websites to post our work, I was nervous and reluctant! Never before had I posted my assignments or any type of work online (or anywhere for that matter) for the whole world to see. In fact, I was the type of kid who was hesitant about hanging artwork in the classroom in elementary school and I always choose “Do not allow” when College Board asks to use my AP Exams as an example. However, two semesters and four “Teens Do Science” episodes later, I am the queen of my blog and I couldn’t be happier with it!

Blog-making, and web page design in general, is a skill! I learned a lot about the importance of organization and accessibility in the designing process and how to maintain those two things as I continue to add posts. For example, I realized that my “Teens Do Science” episodes were my most popular posts so I created a separate menu tab for them (thus increasing their accessibility)! These skills will continue to be useful, especially if I ever have to create a website for a job or a class in the future!

I plan to keep this website alive next year so I can look back at it and reminisce on my time in AP Bio and so future AP Bio students can view it and get ideas for posts or find out what to look forward to in the class.



4 thoughts on “About

  1. Diana Andreatta May 26, 2017 / 5:26 am

    I have really enjoyed your Science Blog this year. Specifically, Teens Do Science and the stop-motion video on Meiosis are two of my favorites. It has been very interesting to be able to see what you have been studying and follow your thought process throughout the course. I know that you will have many more years of science discovery to look forward to and am glad that you have such a strong foundation from which to build.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Mari May 26, 2017 / 5:51 am

    Hi Gina! Looking through your blog was such an exciting glimpse into your AP Bio experience! Your tone and voice in the blog posts really show how excited you are about the content and the subject overall. My favorite posts have been your “Teens Do Science” episodes! You make the content so accessible and understandable, and you spread excitement for areas of biology to people in your age range.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Robert Andreatta May 26, 2017 / 6:32 am

    Whoa! What a cool science blog! It was fun to follow along all year and see what you are studying (and learn a few things along the way! I am a citizen scientist too!). I love the practical demonstrations (and uses) of science and that’s what makes this program so special! Long live (and love) curiosity, discovery and the study of the sciences, especially in creative ways….

    Liked by 1 person

  4. rebecca girard June 1, 2017 / 6:32 pm

    Gina, I love the opening…where passion meets hard work! That really does sum up the way to have a successful year in AP Bio. This course is challenging, but often it is through the challenging experiences that we learn the most about those we work with and ourselves. Oh, how I have enjoyed being a part of your journey at NDB! Thank you for sharing your positivity, curiosity, and drive to succeed. It was awesome to spend 2 years in class together and share our adventures in Costa Rica. You are an inspiration…you never give up, you challenge yourself and push yourself out of your comfort zone so that you can grow and learn. I will never forget how inspired I was by your choice to face your fear of water by going on a white water rafting trip! Keep developing your media making/vlogging skills. You have a talent for informing and engaging an audience. Your passion shines through! I can’t wait to see Teens Do Science episode 6 🙂


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